Points You Check When Buying Cannabis Clones

Purchasing healthy clones means you have to inspect the saplings carefully. It is ideal to purchase clones only if you know what healthy cannabis clones look like. You also have to be informed of the precautions you need to observe before the cultivation stage.

  • Purchase healthy clone saplings from reputable dealers like The Clone Conservatory online
  • Before you transfer the clones into the soil, you may have to quarantine them for a few days
  • You also need to take special care during the transportation stage so the clones may not get damaged


Documentation is easy if you are purchasing clone saplings from a licensed dealer online or offline. You have to request the dealer to submit all possible proof related to the strain and health of the mother plant.

You can search for CBD Clones from licensed dealers only. If the dealer is not licensed, you cannot trust the clone saplings’ health.

Environment conditions

The clones are part of the mother plant. The parent plant might have been grown in specific environmental conditions. You can also look around for Cannabis Plants for Sale dealers who are willing to share all details related to the growth environment.

If the parent plants grow in a healthy environment the clone saplings are also healthy. It is also best to check if the clone saplings can easily adapt to the outdoor climate conditions. All types of cannabis clones may not be suitable for growing in outdoor conditions.

It is also important to collect details related to the cloning method. Check with the root system if possible. The clone saplings should have very strong roots. 

For more information please visit:- https://thecloneconservatory.com

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